Presurgical Evaluations: What and Why?

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What is a presurgical evaluation?

A presurgical evaluation, or preoperative screening, will help your physician make sure that you are fit for surgery. They generally include the following

  • a physical assessment to make sure that your body will be able to handle the procedure.
  • questions about your past surgeries, experiences with anesthesia, and other questions about your general medical history.
  • questions about your current medication, prescription and over-the-counter, to avoid interfering with the surgery. You may be advised to discontinue these drugs for a certain period before the operation to ensure that everything happens smoothly.
  • questions about your immunization status and current smoking/alcohol use.

Your primary care physician will coordinate with the surgeon to make sure the surgical intervention will be uneventful.

Why do I need a presurgical evaluation?

Presurgical evaluations ensure you’re fit for surgery and significantly reduce the risk of mistakes and complications. They check if any risk-reduction measures need to be taken for the surgery. They help your physician make sure that your surgery will go well.

Is the evaluation purely medical?

No. Recovery is a massive part of any surgery, so the physician will ask you questions to make sure that you can recover safely. They’ll ask you about things like access to physical help while you’re recovering and your social support. If you do end up needing assistance before or after the surgery, these questions will help your physician take care of those needs.

If you’re looking for a presurgical evaluation in Frisco or Irving, contact us at 214-666-6259 or at the contact us tab above.

Author Jai Sammpath

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