How to decrease your fall risk

How to decrease your fall risk post thumbnail image

As you get older, your risk of falling increases significantly. The same people that are incredibly prone to falls are the ones that are most affected by them. Decreasing your risk of falling is incredibly important, especially in the elderly, because most falls in older adults can lead to broken or fractured bones, which can then lead to long-term disability or medical needs.

Many falls are preventable, however, and can be taken care of by keeping your body healthy. This can include simple exercise, proper management of exercises, and frequent check-ups with a medical professional. The mistake that most older adults make is avoiding social activities, walking, and anything that requires them to lightly exert themselves physically. This can actually increase rather than decrease their risk of a serious fall. When you take part in these activities and exert yourself physically, you strengthen your body, mind, and sense of balance, which can help keep you much safer in the long run.

What steps can I take to reduce my fall risks in everyday life?

  • Fall-proof your home
    • This includes things like keeping your home well-lit and avoiding having hard, slippery surfaces. Keep handrails on staircases and walkways, and avoid uneven flooring.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol
    • Alcohol severely inhibits your brain’s ability to function and deprives you of your sense of balance. It also stops you from thinking logically, which can help increase the risk of falls. Drugs do the same, but their effects are generally more long-lasting, so they should be avoided as well.
  • Use an assistive device if you feel that you need one
    • If it helps you feel more secure on your feet, use a walker. They can help you maintain your balance. Another common option is a cane, but make sure that the cane is the right size for you

Overall, falls are a serious health risk that mainly affects the elderly. They can be avoided and their impacts minimized by taking a couple of simple steps. If you have any questions about how to stay safe as you get older, your primary care physician is a good place to start. If you’re looking for a primary care physician in Plano, Irving, or Frisco, call us at 214-666-6259 or schedule an appointment in the contact tab above the post.

Author Jai Sammpath

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